Sunday 25 September 2011

Q: What are the connotations, meanings & target audience of The Noroflk Spectacular festival?

From the homepage of The Nofolk Spectacular 2011, as an audience we are able to find out what kind of festival it is, what it's target audience is & the meanings behind images and fonts used to create the homepage.

The background of the homepage uses 2 strong & contrasting images of grass and metal flooring. They've used this to put across to the audience that Norfolk Spectacular is based on a park or showground where the audience will be held, while the metal flooring represents the modern stage that will be used by the peformers. Also, the colour of the metal flooring looks modern and 'hip'. An obvious edit used on this homepage is the ripped effect that seperartes the two images, this gives it a modern feel. Against the metal background, the audience is able to view some of the acts peforming on the stage over the two days. They're against the metal as they're the peformers who will be on the stage at the festival. The fonts used are of the same as the artists logo's. This helps the audience reconise which artist's are playing as well as attracting other audiences into coming to the festival. The iconography used for Norfolk Spectacular logo stands out from the page due to it looking alot more 'grungy' than pop and mainstream. The font used looks almost like tattoo writing and the icon's of speakers and volume controls behind the logo could suggest that it's trying to reach out to a wider audience. The layout also uses the rules of third by keeping all of the information right in the middle of the page, instead of all over. This could just suggest the audience to be drawn into the middle of the page, making it simple to read all at once instead of all over the page, where people might get lost and confused with the information given.

I think this music festival would appeal to audiences between the ages of 14 - 30. I believe that this music festival ranges with audiences, due to how mainstream these artists are as well as the radio station supporting this festival is (KISS FM). The younger generation would be drawn into the page, by the use of the logo's of the artists as well as the range and style of the layout. The older side of the audience would be attracted by the modern look it gives, as well as the festival being supported by 'Kiss FM' (top left) which means that the audience who listen to this, would be very interested into coming to this festival.

1 comment:

  1. Lexxie - You have been absent for well over a month and I have been worried about you.

    I have spoken to both your mother and father and understand that you have had various personal issues to sort out.

    It is important you come in to see us as soon as possible so that we can make a plan to get your coursework and studies back on track.

    Please email me as soon as possible to agree a time - maybe after school or first thing in the morning - so that we can come up with a plan of action.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
