Sunday 25 September 2011

Q: What are the connotations, meanings & target audience of The Noroflk Spectacular festival?

From the homepage of The Nofolk Spectacular 2011, as an audience we are able to find out what kind of festival it is, what it's target audience is & the meanings behind images and fonts used to create the homepage.

The background of the homepage uses 2 strong & contrasting images of grass and metal flooring. They've used this to put across to the audience that Norfolk Spectacular is based on a park or showground where the audience will be held, while the metal flooring represents the modern stage that will be used by the peformers. Also, the colour of the metal flooring looks modern and 'hip'. An obvious edit used on this homepage is the ripped effect that seperartes the two images, this gives it a modern feel. Against the metal background, the audience is able to view some of the acts peforming on the stage over the two days. They're against the metal as they're the peformers who will be on the stage at the festival. The fonts used are of the same as the artists logo's. This helps the audience reconise which artist's are playing as well as attracting other audiences into coming to the festival. The iconography used for Norfolk Spectacular logo stands out from the page due to it looking alot more 'grungy' than pop and mainstream. The font used looks almost like tattoo writing and the icon's of speakers and volume controls behind the logo could suggest that it's trying to reach out to a wider audience. The layout also uses the rules of third by keeping all of the information right in the middle of the page, instead of all over. This could just suggest the audience to be drawn into the middle of the page, making it simple to read all at once instead of all over the page, where people might get lost and confused with the information given.

I think this music festival would appeal to audiences between the ages of 14 - 30. I believe that this music festival ranges with audiences, due to how mainstream these artists are as well as the radio station supporting this festival is (KISS FM). The younger generation would be drawn into the page, by the use of the logo's of the artists as well as the range and style of the layout. The older side of the audience would be attracted by the modern look it gives, as well as the festival being supported by 'Kiss FM' (top left) which means that the audience who listen to this, would be very interested into coming to this festival.

Sunday 11 September 2011


Verse 1:
That day I’d have never know,
Listening to Mistajam rips in my headphones,
That you’d walk by, one of heaven’s own,
Erasing what’s before to run my life like Treadstone,
I don’t know if it was the song by the Weekend
Or the nutty bomb of MD
But her eyes had me feeling this way
Gripped I couldn’t look away

So I went and took a look into them,
and then I saw now
So I went and took a look into them,
I’m drowning now
- Trapped elated and hooked, breath had been took
Looking into them and I’m drowning now
- Coz I was captivated and hooked,
- Couldn’t help but just lose myself in one look
Could it really be this? Really be that I’m drowning now

Verse 2:
In one look I knew
That I could be the bloke to ring you when he’s out and misses you
Or ring your finger up and “Mrs” you
And this can be the first sight track she reminisces to
I dont know if it was the tunage by The XX
Or the text from my ex ending in an ‘XX’
But her eyes had me feeling this way
Gripped I couldn’t look away

Chorus x 3

Thursday 8 September 2011


I imagined this music video to have an emotional effect on the audience as well as showing it through the character's eyes. The song is about the artists falling for a female just by looking into her eyes, a lusting moment.

I'm imagining the music video to have slow cuts due to the track being quite slow and calm. This could have a great effect because of the subject of the track and of the artist's way he's feeling. People often describe when they first 'lust' for someone has time almost standing still, not aware of your surroundings and just focusing yourself on this one person and I want these feelings to be put across in the music video. I'm also not wishing for the artists to sing into the camera like most artists of Context's genre do. Again, this is because I want to the artist to feel the emotions of lust and not being aware of people around him and just the female involved. Alot of close up's shall be used, of faces, eyes, hands and lips to show what the characters are doing as well as showing the emotion of lust and love. Establishing/wide shots shall be used to make the audience aware of the place they're in which will focus on target audience's urban landscapes. I'd also like this to be filmed at night, with most lighting coming from street lights, nightclubs, shops and cars. I feel like this would be appropriate as I can imagine the track to be better suited this way.

The track will be started off with an establishing shot of 3 out of the 4 characters walking down a street with the artist standing in the middle of the group. When the music gets close to the chorus, the 4th character (female) walks past the group with eye contact (POV shot) and then we witness the artist approaching the female character and then show signs of affection. alot of close up shots of his hands, face, eyes, lips and she accepts. Almost seems like a dream. He doesn't sing along to the song until we get a close up of them both, forehead on each other, looking into each others eyes to say "I'm drowning now". The second verse continues when she walks away and he follows behind. He ignores his friends, leaving them behind, she looks over her shoulder and smiles. Liking the attention. He ignores everything and everyone round him, dropping a CD of a band, which the song mentions and texts we see he fails to reply to. Chorus comes in again, with her still looking over her shoulder, turning around to smile, cuts back to the artists to say "I'm drowning now". As the song finishes we cut back to them both very close, kissing. extreme close ups of the artists lips saying "I'm drowning now".

I aim my target audience for this track for the ages between 16 - 30. The genre of the music (drum & bass/ pop) may appeal to an audience younger than 16, but they may have trouble in understanding the ways in which the male character acts towards the female. As the genre of music is very modern and new, it may not appeal to an elder generation, meaning they won't watch the music video. Between the ages of 16 - 30, we understand how easy it can be to act on lust to someone and understand the ways in people can react from it.