Monday 11 July 2011

Moodboard for Music Video.

Planning our music video's is one of the most important proof's of evidence and helps create ideas and visuals for us to look back on while we make a storyboard for it. We need to make sure that our music track fits with our music video using stereotypes and alot of research.

When researching music video's that have the same genre as my track, I noticed that alot of these music video's use Urban Landscapes. The popular places for the video's I've seen for filmed in East London, Canary Wharf, train stations, modern block flats & walls with street art on them.

It is popular for stereotypical props to be used in music video's with a drum & bass genre. These props are dancing, BMX'ing & guns. Most Drum & Bass music video's that I've researched, work with a young generation and gang culture for their narrative. They believe that it spreads awareness for young children/adults to not go into a future of gang crime. Also, prom the pictures above, we notice the costumes are the same, using again sterotyped fashion of hoodies, tracksuits & trainers.

The narratives of some of the music video's I researched use our British Gang Culture to put a message forward. These narratives can be about anything where violence is used. Hanging around the streets during the day and night in a large 'gang' intimidates any passers by who do not want to get in their way, therefore becoming common pests. Using gang's in my music video will work well with my chosen music track as well as the stereotypical visuals of British gangs. 

Another popular choice of a mise-en-scene is to use Council Estates. Working with Urban Landscapes again. it's an easy and cheap way to shoot a music video. Again, it fits a stereotypical gang 'hang out' as well as providing alot of space for violence, fights and riots. It also has a colour scheme of grimy and de-saturated making it look dull and run down. If to be filmed at night, the flat lights would be on which would make it a very effective source of light id wanting to film at night.

1 comment:

  1. There are some powerful images here Lexxie. How does the representation of violence and urban setting sell the track? Post explanation as per discussion or include rationale in treatment.
